- For information on the battle, the soldiers, the places and the artifacts, visit the History and Culture Page at www.nps.gov/stri/learn/historyculture/index.htm
- For information on the specific units that are part of the battlefield's history, visit the Regimental Files at www.nps.gov/stri/learn/historyculture/regfiles.htm These transcribed documents represent thousands of hours done by park volunteers.
- The story of the Battle of Stones River, including troop movement maps, are provided by the American Battlefield Trust, a valuable partner of the Friends of Stones River. Visit their site at www.battlefields.org/learn/civil-war/battles/stones-river
- Are you looking for information on an ancestor or the battle history of a specific unit, visit the National Park Service's Soldiers and Sailors Database at www.nps.gov/civilwar/soldiers-and-sailors-database.htm
- To search for a specific grave in the cemetery, use the search option at www.nps.gov/stri/learn/historyculture/interments.htm
- For a different view of Stones River National Cemetery, visit the Rutherford County's GIS map at rcgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=d0c06ffa7354447980511ba05ae94343 Scroll down until you see the grave numbers. Click on a specific grave to pull up additional information about the burial. To get further information, go to Modern Tech
- For information about any of the hundreds of Civil War battles and skirmishes in Tennessee, visit the TN Civil War GIS Project web site at tnmap.tn.gov/civilwar/ Search on the right side for a county or location to find specific actions. Click on the provided source links to read documents on what occurred.